API Documentation
Up-to-date API Documentation of 0CodeKit.
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Up-to-date API Documentation of 0CodeKit.
Last updated
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Include a key:value pair in the header of the request, where the key is auth
and the value your API key that can be obtained in your 0CodeKit account portal.
For example: auth:a4c3dcc5-8e41-4cad-bd5f-c24086baba00
Note on the Asynchronous Python Code Executor Pricing
The cost of the asynchronous Python code executor is proportional to that of the regular synchronous Python executor. The key difference is that the asynchronous endpoint allows your code to run up to 5 times longer, with a maximum total runtime of 15 minutes.
Charges are applied every 3 minutes, which is the standard execution time increment for the synchronous Python executor.
You are charged for each 3-minute interval (or part thereof) that your code runs asynchronously.
Merges a video file and an audio file into a single video file, optionally applying various customizations like trimming, fading, and more.
The URL of the video file.
The URL of the audio file.
The name of the merged video.
Factur-X/Zugferd is a standard for digital invoices. The data is encoded into an XML, which is attached to a human-readable PDF file. This endpoint checks that the given PDF has an attached XML invoice, and validates it according to the Factur-X/Zugferd specification (level EN16931). It also returns the XML invoice for further processing.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com.
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Factur-X/Zugferd is a standard for digital invoices. The data is encoded into an XML, which is attached to a human-readable PDF file. This endpoint embeds an existing XML invoice into a PDF file which is not yet a Factur-X/Zugferd invoice. It also validates that the XML is valid. To create a valid Factur-X/Zugferd invoice, the user has to guarantee that the provided PDF is in PDF/A format.
The API key that can be found on 0codekit.com.
The Base64-encoded PDF file. Can be specified instead of url
The Factur-X/Zugferd XML invoice that shall be embedded.
Whether the PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The PDF file name. Default is a random ID.
This function takes a text input, a context for added relevance, and a list of fields with their descriptions. It leverages an LLM to extract the specified information from the text and organizes it into a structured object.
The text in which the information will be searched.
Greetings! I am Zog, an alien from planet Blip, 142 years old, and a passionate collector of cosmic dust.
Prompt that contextualizes the text
A brief self-introduction from an alien applying for an intergalactic research role.
No body
This function takes a query string and a list of target strings. It uses an LLM to find the best match(es), accounting for variations in the query string, and returns the closest match(es) based on the options provided.
The main string you want to match against the target list. Typically, this is the name or entity you are searching for.
Alf from Melmac
A short description of the type of data being matched. This helps provide additional clarity for the AI in determining the best match.
Names of people
The list of potential matches. Each entry in this list represents a possible candidate for matching with the query string.
["Willie Tanner","Gordon Shumway","Kate Tanner","Trevor Ochmonek"]
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
A text prompt describing which data from the document should be covered.
All people names and addresses should be considered sensitive data.
The file name the result PDF will have. Default is a random ID.
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false.
The language of the document in ISO 639-1 nomenclature. Default is 'en' (English).
No body
Extracts text and specific data from documents, supporting OCR and specialized workflows.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com.
The URL to the document.
The Base64-encoded buffer. Can be provided instead of url
A workflow outlines steps for processing documents, including analysis, extraction, and transformation. It uses unique identifiers to track and retrieve results for each document.
The language of the uploaded document.
The type of the uploaded document.
Result type specifies the output type.
, extractions
A simple way to implement rate limiting by checking whether a new request is allowed now.
An arbitrary name for this traffic light.
The minimum time that must pass after one request was allowed.
Check if the content is appropriate for all audiences.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The URL of the image to be checked.
Detects text in an image using the Azure Computer Vision API.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com.
The URL of the image to analyze.
Remove background from image url or buffer.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Generate python code based on provided prompt.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Prompt to generate python code.
Creates a summary of the given text.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The text to be summarized.
Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived a young girl who was full of dreams and aspirations. She was passionate about exploring the world and discovering all its secrets. She wanted to see the wonders of the world, to meet new people, to learn new things, and to experience life in all its glory. As a young girl, she often thought of what it would be like to journey to exotic places, to explore the unknown and to find her place in the world. She wanted to be free to make her own decisions, to choose her own destiny, and to be independent. ne day, she decided she was ready to embark on her quest. She packed her bags, said goodbye to her family, and set off on her travels. She went to places she had only dreamed of, and experienced things she had never imagined. She met people from all walks of life, made new friends, and experienced new cultures. She explored the great outdoors and embraced nature in all its beauty. She tried new foods, and found her favorite cuisines. Through it all, she found her own path and discovered her true purpose in life.
Transcribe an audio file to text. This supports the following file types: flac
, m4a
, mp3
, mp4
, mpeg
, mpga
, oga
, ogg
, wav
, webm
. The maximum file size is 25MB.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The URL to the audio file.
The Base64-encoded audio file. Can be provided instead of url
The audio language. Default is en
Detects labels in an image using the Google Vision API.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The URL of the image to analyze.
Generate an image based on prompt.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Prompt to generate image.
Number of output image's to be generated.
, 512x512
, 1024x1024
, 1024x1024
, 1792x1024
, 1024x1792
Extract contact information from given prompt.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Prompt for contact info extraction.
Generate javascript code based on provided prompt.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Prompt to generate javascript code.
Detect email type from provided subject and body.ß
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Subject of email.
Body of email.
Check if the content is appropriate to be posted on the internet.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The text containing the content to be checked.
Hello world!
Translates the provided text into the specified target language using Google Translate API.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The text to be translated.
Hello, world!
The target language code to translate the text into.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
, SHA1
, SHA224
, SHA256
, SHA3
, SHA384
, SHA512
, HmacMD5
, HmacSHA1
, HmacSHA224
, HmacSHA256
, HmacSHA3
, HmacSHA384
, HmacSHA512
, HmacRIPEMD160
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The ciphertext.
The encryption key.
, TripleDES
, Rabbit
, RC4
, RC4Drop
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The plaintext.
The encryption key.
, TripleDES
, Rabbit
, RC4
, RC4Drop
Returns the distance between a start and end point. The distance is calculated using a specific mode of travel, which can influence the route taken and is also used to estimate the amount of time it takes to travel.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The start point.
The end point.
The mode of travel.
, walking
, bicycling
, transit
Uses the height and weight of a person to calculate their BMI as well as several other related values, including their recommended nutrients.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The weight in kilograms.
The height in centimeters.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The first name.
The full name. The first name is only used if firstname
is not provided.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
No body
Split a full name into its first and last name.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The full name that will be split.
Whether first and last name should be reversed. Might be useful in languages where the last name comes first, e.g. Chinese.
Takes a nation name or a nation ISO code and outputs the corresponding nation name and ISO code.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The ISO code of the nation.
The English name of the nation.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The CSV string that will be converted.
If this is false, the first line will be interpreted as column names instead of data. Default is false.
Whether spaces around column values should be trimmed. Default is true.
Whether empty column values should be ignored, instead of being output as empty. Default is false.
The delimiter between the different columns. Can be auto
for automatic detection of delimiters, or an array of delimiters. Default is auto
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The CSV string that will be parsed.
Whether to omit the first row. Default is false.
The delimiter by which the rows will be split.
Looks up the VAT rate for the specified country in the European Union.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
Checks whether the email address is from a free email provider.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The email address that should be checked.
This endpoint takes an address or coordinates, and checks whether it is valid.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The location. Can be an address or coordinates.
Bavaria Donau 11, Passau
Checks whether the phone number is valid.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The phone number to validate.
(+81) 090-1234-5678
Short abbreviation of a country.
Checks whether the provided IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is valid.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Checks whether the provided VAT (Valued Added Tax) ID is valid using a service provided by VIES, If available, this also returns the associated name and address
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The VAT ID. Must start with a two-digit country code.
The number part of the VAT ID.
The country code of the VAT ID.
, BE
, BG
, HR
, CY
, CZ
, DK
, EE
, FI
, FR
, DE
, EL
, HU
, IE
, IT
, LV
, LT
, LU
, MT
, NL
, PL
, PT
, RO
, SK
, SI
, ES
, SE
, XI
Verifies a domain by performing an HTTP GET request against it.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The domain name.
Uploads a file buffer to temporary storage and provides a URL. The file is deleted after 24 hours.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The file name. Default is a random string.
The Base64-encoded file buffer.
A global variable can only be deleted by the user that created it.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The variable name.
Changes the value of the given global variable to the new value.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The name of the variable to update.
The new value of the variable.
The user can only access a global variable that they created themselves.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The name of the variable to get.
The global variable is only visible for the user that created it. If variableName
is not provided, it is generated automatically.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The name of the variable to create. Default is auto-generated.
The value to assign to the variable.
Replaces the data in the JSON bin with the new data.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The JSON data to put into the bin.
The ID of the JSON bin that will be modified.
This endpoint can be used to return varied calendar-week information according to the data passed in the request.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The date parameter provides the week number of the year relative to the date, along with the starting and ending week.
The weekNumber parameter provides the workingDate of that week, along with the starting and ending day of the week.
The year parameter provides year of the given weekNumber.
The date in unixTimestamp format.
Format of provided date.
Format of the output date
Determine if a given date is a weekend, retrieve the day number, and get the weekday.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The date for which information is requested.
The format of the input date.
The timezone
Converts a date and time from one timezone to another.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The timezone of the input time.
The format of the output time.
The timezone of the output time.
The time that will be converted.
08-12-2024 12:00
This API retrieve a list of holidays for a specific year, country code, and optionally state.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The year for which holidays are requested.
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
The state within the country (if applicable).
This API calculates month, year, start date, end date, and weekdays within a specified duration from a given start date.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Starting date.
Duration of days for which the detail period is retrieved.
This retrieves all workdays, saturdays, sundays, and days in the month based on the month, year, and date provided.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Date parameter
Format of the input date
Number of the month.
Format of the output date
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The number of decimal places the generated number has. This is only used if type
is decimal
or float
The type of generated number. Default is integer
, float
, integer
The range of the generated number.
Generate random string based on type and length.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Type of randomness. Specifies the character set to use when generating the random string. The available types are:
Type of randomness. Specifies the character set to use when generating the random string.
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
, 7
, 8
An array of custom characters to use for generating the random string. Required if type is set to 8.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
A decimal between 0 and 1 that specifies the value of the alpha channel. This is only relevant when using a format with an alpha channel. Default is a random value.
The luminosity of the generated color. Default is random.
, light
, dark
The format of the returned color. These are the possible formats:
: rgb(0, 0, 0)
: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
: hsl(0, 0%, 0%)
: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0)
: #000000
Default is hex
, rgba
, hsl
, hsla
, hex
A number or string that is used as a seed for the random number generator. By default, no seed is used.
The hue of the generated color. Default is random.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The amount of users to generate. Default is 1.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Whether to verify the JWT. This requires secret
. Default is false
The HMAC secret or PEM-encoded public key.
No body
Returns a QR code as a PNG image, styled using the provided settings.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The data that should be encoded
The width of the QR code in pixels. Default is 500.
The height of the QR code in pixels. Default is 500.
The URL of the image that should be put in the middle. By default, no image is used. The image covers up part of the QR code, which can only be recovered using error correction.
The size of the space between the QR code and the border of the image in pixels. Default is 15.
Options for the image in the center of the QR code.
Options for the QR code data.
Options for the dots that make up most of the QR code.
Options for the corner squares. This does not influence the smaller dots inside the corner squares.
Options for the corner dots. This does not influence the square border around the corner dots.
Decodes a QR code from a URL or buffer and returns the encoded data. The supported file formats are jpg
, png
, bmp
, tiff
, gif
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The URL to the QR code.
The QR code as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be used instead of url
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The barcode format.
, code-2of5
, code-39
, code-93
, ean-13
, ean-8
, coabar
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Whether to get as URL or buffer. Default is buffer.
The generated file type. Default is svg
, png
, jpeg
No body
Evaluates a given text against a provided regular expression and returns the matches.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
The text to be evaluated.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The regular expression to evaluate against the text.
Searches text for keywords and returns their positions.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Text from which you want to find keywords.
Single keyword.
Multiple keywords.
Calculate similarity score between two strings
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
First String.
Second String.
Similarity algorithm.
Extracts text from body between given start and end markers
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com
Start marker.
End marker.
Body from which to extract the text
When true, It include start and end marker in result.
When true, It make the body case sensitive.
When true, Return error if markers not found.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com.
The Python code that will be executed.
The PyPI libraries your Python code requires. For backwards compatibility, this can be left empty, and your dependencies will be discovered automatically. Please do not use this and specify your requirements explicitly, as the automatic discovery is inaccurate and unreliable, and its only purpose is to prevent old code from breaking.
Execute a Python script and return immediately. The response is sent to a webhook.
The API key that can be retrieved from 0codekit.com.
The Python script that will be executed.
The URL of the webhook the response will be sent to.
The PyPI libraries your Python code requires.
This endpoint generates a bar chart image based on the provided data, labels, and customization options.
If true, returns a URL instead of the chart image.
Width of the chart image.
Height of the chart image.
Background color of the chart image.
Width of the borders around the bars.
Title of the chart.
Optional filename for the generated chart image.
Additional configuration options for Chart.js.
Data points for the bar chart.
Labels corresponding to the data points.
Colors for the borders of the bars.
Colors for the bars in the chart.
No body
This endpoint generates a doughnut chart image based on the provided data, labels, and customization options.
If true, returns a URL instead of the chart image.
Width of the chart image.
Height of the chart image.
Background color of the chart image.
Width of the borders around the doughnut.
Title of the chart.
Optional filename for the generated chart image.
Additional configuration options for Chart.js.
Data points for the doughnut chart.
Labels corresponding to the data points.
Colors for the borders of the doughnut.
Colors for the doughnut in the chart.
No body
This endpoint generates a line chart image based on the provided data, labels, and customization options.
If true, returns a URL instead of the chart image.
Width of the chart image.
Height of the chart image.
Background color of the chart image.
Fill the color under the line.
Tension of the line.
Width of the borders around the line.
Title of the chart.
Optional filename for the generated chart image.
Additional configuration options for Chart.js.
Data points for the line chart.
Labels corresponding to the data points.
Colors for the borders of the line.
Colors for the line in the chart.
No body
The image URL
The image as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
How strongly the image will be blurred.
Whether the result image should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The file name of the result image. Default is a random ID.
No body
The image URL
The image as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the image metadata should be converted, too.
Whether the result image should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The file name of the result image. Default is a random ID.
The output format of the conversion.
, jpg
, png
, gif
, tiff
, webp
No body
The image URL
The image as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result image should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The file name of the result image. Default is a random ID.
No body
The image URL
The image as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result image should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The file name of the result image. Default is a random ID.
The axis the image will be flipped about.
, x
, Y
, y
No body
The image URL
The HTML source. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result image should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The file name of the result image. Default is a random ID.
No body
The URL of the front image.
The URL of the background image.
Whether to return the result as a buffer or a URL. Default is buffer.
A custom file name. If this is not set, a randomly generated is used instead.
The position of the front image on the back image. This overrides options.horizontalPosition
and options.verticalPosition
, top-left
, top-right
, bottom-left
, bottom-right
No body
The image URL
The image as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
The clockwise rotation.
The color of the space that is not occupied by the image after the rotation. Only used if angle
is not a multiple of 90 degrees. Default is #000000
Whether the result image should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The file name of the result image. Default is a random ID.
No body
The image URL
The image as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
How strongly the image will be sharpened.
Whether the result image should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The file name of the result image. Default is a random ID.
No body
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false.
The URL of the image to draw.
T?he image as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of imageUrl
The horizontal offset in points relative to the anchor. Default is 0.
The vertical offset in points relative to the anchor. Default is 0.
The width of the image in points. This or height
has to be provided. If only width
is provided, height
is calculated automatically.
The height of the image in points. This or width
has to be provided. If only height
is provided, width
is calculated automatically.
The counter-clockwise rotation of the image in degrees. Default is 0.
The pages the image should be drawn onto. Given as a range of pages, where 1 means the first page and ^1 means the last page.
The file name the result PDF will have. Default is a random ID.
The part of the page on which the image should be drawn. Default is center
, bottom
, bottom-right
, left
, center
, right
, top-left
, top
, top-right
The part of the image that should be aligned with the specified position. Default is the value of anchor
, bottom
, bottom-right
, left
, center
, right
, top-left
, top
, top-right
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false.
The text to draw.
Hello, world!
The horizontal offset in points relative to the anchor. Default is 0.
The vertical offset in points relative to the anchor. Default is 0.
The counter-clockwise rotation of the text in degrees. Default is 0.
The font size in points. Default is 32.
The font color as a six-digit hexcode, i.e. RRGGBB. Default is 000000, i.e. black.
The pages the text should be drawn onto. Given as a range of pages, where 1 means the first page and ^1 means the last page.
The file name the result PDF will have. Default is a random ID.
The font to use. Default is Helvetica.
, Courier
, TimesRoman
The part of the page on which the text should be drawn. Default is center
, bottom
, bottom-right
, left
, center
, right
, top-left
, top
, top-right
The part of the text that should be aligned with the specified position. Default is the value of anchor
, bottom
, bottom-right
, left
, center
, right
, top-left
, top
, top-right
No body
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The new title of the PDF.
The new author of the PDF.
The new subject of the PDF.
The file name of the result PDF. Default is a random ID.
The new keywords of the PDF.
No body
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The width of the pages to add. Default is the width of the first page.
The height of the pages to add. Default is the height of the first page.
The file name of the result PDF. Default is a random ID.
The positions of the pages that should be added. Every number represents one page, and is the page number after which the new page should be added, e.g. 0 means inserting at the very beginning, while 10 means inserting after the 10th page.
No body
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The pages that should be removed from the PDF. Given as a range of pages, where 1 means the first page and ^1 means the last page.
The file name of the result PDF. Default is a random ID.
No body
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The new width in points.
The new height in points.
The pages that should be resized. Given as a range of pages, where 1 means the first page and ^1 means the last page.
The file name of the result PDF. Default is a random ID.
No body
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
Clockwise rotation of the pages in degrees. Must be a multiple of 90.
The pages that will be rotated. Given as a range of pages, where 1 means the first page and ^1 means the last page.
The file name of the result PDF. Default is a random ID.
No body
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The password used to decrypt the PDF. Can be either the user or the owner password.
No body
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The number of pages the new PDF should have. Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
The width of the pages in points. Default is 595.
The height of the pages in points. Default is 842.
The file name the result PDF will have. Default is a random ID.
No body
The DOCX as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The file name of the result PDF. Default is a random ID.
No body
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The user password.
The owner password. Default is the user password.
No body
WARNING: This endpoint is deprecated. Please use /pdf/metadata/info
The PDF URL or Base64-encoded buffer.
The PDF file name. Default is a random ID.
The URL of the website.
The HTML source. Can be specified instead of url
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The PDF file name. Default is a random ID.
No body
The Markdown source that will be converted to a PDF.
Custom CSS to change the Markdown look.
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The PDF file name. Default is a random ID.
No body
Whether the result PDF should be returned as a URL. Default is false
The file name the result PDF will have. Default is a random ID.
No body
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
The file name prefix of the result images. Default is a random ID.
The PDF as a Base64-encoded buffer. Can be specified instead of url
The number of pages that should be contained in every split PDF file. Can be specified instead of pages
The file name prefix the result PDFs will have. Default is a random ID.
The page ranges that should be contained in the new PDF files. Every subdocument is given as a comma-separated range of pages, where 1 means the first page and ^1 means the last page.
The destination URL which the shortened URL will point to.
The shortened URL identifier. This is the part that comes after lyl.ai
, and which is used for managing the shortened URL. It must be globally unique. Default is a random 8 letter string.
The type of scheduler that will be set up. The different options are:
: One time execution. intervalOptions
must be a unix timestamp or ISO 8601 date.2
: Multiple specific executions. intervalOptions
must be an array of unix timestamps or ISO 8601 dates.3
: Cron job. intervalOptions
must be a cron string.4
: Regular execution every n hours / days / weeks / months. intervalOptions
must be a string of the format period;n
, 2
, 3
, 4
The shortened URL identifier that was returned by /add
The new destination URL which the shortened URL will point to.